Note regarding MiFID II: All BankM research reports have been only prepared by order of the issuer based on a contractual agreement and are being compensated for by the issuer. The research reports have simultaneously been made publicly available to all interested persons. Hence, the receipt of these research reports is to be regarded as a permitted insignificant non-monetary benefit according to § 64 para 7 sentence 2 No. 1 and 2 of the German Securities Trading Act (WpHG).
Our research team issues equity and corporate bond investment research reports on the companies we serve. Their length depends on their scope and purpose:
Basic report
- Full overview of the company with a description of its business activities
- Detailed market, competition and financial analysis
- SWOT-analysis and investment case
- DCF and Multiple valuation (fair value), for equities
- Derivation of the yield return / risk profile, for corporate bonds
Basic-report updates
- Presentation of changes in business operations
- Analysis of changes
- Updating of financial forecasts and fair value-adjustment
Information analysis
- Analysis of quarterly/semiannual reports and substantial company news
- Updated fair value of share
The wide dissemination of studies and analysts‘ estimates to interested investors and representatives of the press is ensured by distribution to financial data service providers and to online platforms.