Research – Risk factors and disclaimer

Important information

Security investments generally involve high risks. Investors may lose some or all of the money invested. Potential investors should take into account that security prices may fall and rise and that income from an investment may fluctuate considerably. Past performance is no guarantee for future results. Investors make their decisions at their own risk.


The following documents were compiled by BankM AG solely for informational purposes and for the personal use by experienced persons in Germany that purchase or sell transferable securities for their own account or the account of others in the context of their trade, profession or occupation. The documents neither constitute a contract nor any kind of obligation. The documents and their content, in whole or in part, may not be reproduced, distributed, published or passed on to any other person without the prior written consent of BankM AG.

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Inclusion of shares in trading
Settlement agent

Capital decrase
Settlement agent

Rights issue
Sole lead manager

Inclusion of shares in trading
Settlement agent

Capital decrase
Settlement agent

Rights issue
Sole lead manager


BankM AG
Baseler Strasse 10
60329 Frankfurt

Phone: +49 69 7191838-0
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