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Frequentis AG: News from June 6, 2024

Publication of an authorization to purchase own shares

Vienna / Austria (06.06.2024/16:02 UTC+2)

Publication of a resolution of the General Meeting pursuant to Section 2 Para 1 of the Austrian Publication Regulation 2018 in connection with Section 119 Para 9 and Para 7 of the Austrian Stock Exchange Act 2018

The ordinary General Meeting of FREQUENTIS AG held on 6 June 2024 adopted the following resolution in relation to item 12 of the agenda (Resolution on the authorization of (i) the Executive Board to purchase own shares pursuant to Section 65 Para 1 No. 4 and No. 8 Stock Corporation Act both via the stock exchange and off-market in a volume of up to 10% of the nominal capital and to also exclude the general selling possibility of the shareholders that may be related to such purchase, (ii) the Executive Board to reduce the nominal capital by cancelling own shares without any further resolution by the General Meeting, and (iii) the Supervisory Board to adopt amendments to the Articles of Association arising from the cancellation of shares as well as revocation of the respective resolution of the General Meeting of 2 June 2022):

The authorization of the Executive Board to purchase own shares in the Company in accordance with Section 65 Para 1 No. 4 and 8 Stock Corporation Act and to cancel shares and of the Supervisory Board to adopt the amendments to the Articles of Association resulting from such cancellation, granted by resolution in the Ordinary General Meeting of 2 June 2022 under item 9 of the agenda, was revoked to the extent not yet utilized, and at the same time,

  1. the Executive Board has been authorized to purchase both via the stock exchange and off-market no-par value bearer shares in the Company in a volume of up to 10% of the nominal capital of the Company, in accordance with Section 65 Para 1 No. 4 and 8 Stock Corporation Act, for a period of 30 months from the date of such resolution of the General Meeting, whereby the minimum consideration per share may not be more than 20% below and the maximum consideration per share may not be more than 10% above the average, unweighted closing price on the stock exchange over the preceding ten trading days prior to the respective purchase of the shares. Trade in own shares is excluded as a purpose of the purchase. This authorization may be exercised in total or partially and also in several parts and for one or several purposes by the Company, by a subsidiary (Section 189a No. 7 of the Austrian Business Enterprise Code – “UGB”) or for the account of the Company or a subsidiary (Section 189a No. 7 UGB) by third parties. In case of a purchase of shares off-market, such purchase may also be effected under the exclusion of the general selling possibility of shareholders, and may also be effected only from certain shareholders or from one single shareholder;
  2. the Executive Board has been authorized to reduce the nominal capital by cancelling own shares without any further resolution by the General Meeting; and
  3. the Supervisory Board has been authorized to adopt amendments to the Articles of Association arising from the cancellation of shares.

Vienna, 6 June 2024

The Executive Board

Issuer: Frequentis AG
Innovationsstraße 1
1100 Wien
Contact: Stefan Marin
Tel.: +43 1811501074
Listed: Vienna Stock Exchange (Amtlicher Handel)
Other exchanges: Regulierted Market in Frankfurt
Quelle: Frequentis AG


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